A Different Kind Of Mother’s Day Prayer

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” (Ps. 68:5-6a)

For every woman who will receive a crayoned card made of folded construction paper, a bouquet or a sweetly sentimental piece of jewelry this Sunday, there are many others who need a different kind of gift this Mother’s Day. This prayer is for so many of us:

O God, the commercials, cards and gifts of this Sunday are a reminder to honor the mothers in our lives. A day set aside to celebrate mothers is a lovely thing, and yet we recognize it as an echo, a single skipped stone, of the kind of family life to which you call us here.

In our broken world, this single day, these reminders for some are not blessings but pain or longing. May these few words help us intercede for someone we know who may be suffering this week.

For those who are sorrowing, raw and tender this week, we pray:

…for those who’ve suffered the loss of their mothers through death; Lord, please bring them your comfort

…for those estranged from their mothers through family division, mental illness or strife; Lord, please salve their wounds and bring your healing

 …for those who are losing their mothers by degrees through disease; Lord, please measure extra grace to parent and child alike as the roles reverse

…for those who never knew their mothers; Lord, please reveal yourself to them at every point of abandonment, longing and need as El Shaddai

…for those who have lost a child; Lord, please have mercy on them as they daily bear this searing pain

 …for those who are riding the roller-coaster of infertility; Lord, please revive their hope and bless them with new life

…for those who ache to become mothers, but find themselves without a mate again this year; Lord, please draw near to them, and help them draw near to you as they wait and hope

…for those whose children have chosen a prodigal path; Lord, please grace these parents to wait together with you for their children’s return home

…for those whose children are living, working and serving in distant lands; Lord, please keep them safe, and keep our hearts at peace

…for those who have a full and happy family life; Lord, thank you for this witness, and give them  an extra chair at their table waiting for the lonely to fill it

…for those who, in their pain, have felt abandoned and undefended by you; Lord, please comfort them…and let them recognize that you are near at all times

In the name of the Father of the fatherless, the Bridegroom of the widow, and the Companion of the lonely, I pray. Amen.

* * * * * * *

And a P.S. – Father, Bridegroom, Companion, I am grateful for the lessons of my own mother’s life, gone now for more than 4 years. I am grateful for the privilege of nurturing three children for nearly 3 decades. I am overwhelmed at the sacred delight of two grandsons. I thank you, giver of good gifts, for those I’ve had the honor to mentor – to be selected to be a spiritual mother has birthed surprise and fresh purpose in this season of my life.





12 responses to “A Different Kind Of Mother’s Day Prayer”

  1. Beautifully put, Michelle. My Mom died on Easter Sunday when I was 14, and I’ve often wondered how I would have differed had she lived. It’s odd too to think of my wife not having a mother in law.


  2. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    I’m so very sorry about the loss of your mom, Tim. She would have been very proud of the person you’ve become.

  3. Amen. Sensitive prayer, Michelle. I know people in every one of those situations. Thank you.

  4. Such a thoughtful prayer.
    “In our broken world”…yes, we all probably know someone in each of these situations. Thanks for helping us love others by praying for them with this sweet guide.
    I am so blessed to still have my mother, mother-in-law, a daughter (Jenny Armstrong) who is Mommy to 4 little men, and a son who married a lovely woman, who are Mommy and Daddy to 1 little boy. Such abundant blessings! And yet, I am aware that many others will not be celebrating on this Mother’s day. Our arms may be empty, but His promises never disappoint and are never empty. And so, we pray.
    Thanks again for this reminder

  5. Kathy Avatar

    This is really lovely. Would it be possibly to use it in our church on Sunday (with acknowledgement of course!)?

  6. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    “Our arms may be empty, but His promises never disappoint and are never empty.” So very true, Gail Thank you for adding that wise thought here.

    BTW, I got to spend a bit of time with your lovely daughter a few weeks ago. She’s a remarkable young woman, and spoke of you with such love and honor. Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  7. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    Absolutely yes, Kathy – and anyone else who is reading this. Please feel free to use these words to help your congregation pray.

  8. Michelle, thanks for this prayer. I do know people in each category. May I translate this to Spanish and share it with my family?

  9. So lovely. I have been in many of these places myself. It is a lovely prayer that I will use for all the women around me
    Thank you

  10. […] “A Different Sort of Mother’s Day Prayer” by Michelle Van Loon. For all the people out there who will NOT be celebrating a Hallmark-style Mother’s Day. HUGE blessings to you! […]

  11. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    I’d be honored to have you translate this and share it with your family, Giamarie. :

  12. Beautiful. Thank you!

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