An energetic blogger I follow put together a list of favorite things, a la The First Lady Of All Media, Oprah. Both women’s lists got me thinking about what I might include in my imaginary Michelle’s Swag Bag, 2010 version.
Leonard Sweet’s book will change the way you think about symbols and stories – your life and God’s message. Every sentence is a revelation. |
Though I don’t read much fiction, this book stayed with me for days after I read it. Bravo, Kathryn Stockett! |
Mary Kay Berry Tinted Lip Balm. It’s the one on the right. Perfect color, and if you click the Mary Kay link, my awesome daughter-in-law will hook you up. |
Wissotsky Magic Tea Chest. Pretty presentation of really nice bag teas. The number one tea brand in Israel for good reason. My favorite is the Nana Lemon. |
Well, everyone wants one, so even though I don’t have one, I should throw an iPad into your Swag Bag. Here you go. |
The most delicious coffee ever. Trader Joe’s sells it, and whenever I shop there, I always toss several cans in my cart. The pine nuts roasted with the beans give this java a warm flavor that balances the acid bitterness of the coffee. |
Jerusalem! Visiting there really, truly will change the way you read your Bible and your news. |
A warm purple pashmina, to go with your purple Birkenstocks. |
I’m putting some chickens in your bag, in honor of the chickens we raised in our Waukesha, WI garage. These chickens, however, are for you to re-gift to a needy family in another part of the world. Your re-gift will help that family become a little more self-sufficient. |
What are some of your favorite things this year?
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