What makes the Church dangerous?
In no particular order:
1. Love
2. Rabid intentionality about reflecting the risen Christ in deed and word, in that order
3. Signs and wonders
4. Communion
5. Meaningful spiritual friendships
6. Learning put into practice
7. Prayer
8. Its children and teens
9. Gracious countercultural lifestyle
10. Corporate worship as the starting line
11. Generosity
12. Service/justice
13. Mess
14. Truth
The more of the above-listed dangerous things that exist in a local congregation, the safer I feel.
On the other hand…
What makes a congregation dangerous?
Again, in no particular order:
A. Cliques
B. Institutionalism / “…but we’ve always doen it this way…”
C. Favoritism, nepotism
D. Unwritten rules
E. Lies
F. Agendas masquerading as sermons
G. Unteachable leaders
H. Ignoring or pandering to children and teens
I. Gossip
J. Pastors with money or sex secrets
K. Inhospitablity
L. Demonizing all opposition
M. Focus on appearances
N. Control
What would you add to either of these lists?
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