If you have ever experienced the nearness of God in your life – heard His voice speak to you, experience His burning, overwhelming love, it threatens to “forever ruin you for the ordinary”, to borrow a well-crafted phrase from a book title.
Where are you, Holy Spirit?
4 responses to “Where are you, Holy Spirit?”
It’s what I have against people who say “you can bring yourself into the presence of God by…” (scriptural meditation, breath prayer, lectio divina, etc.) Hello, we’re always in the presence of God. And He lets us know He’s there in His own time and not when we’ve “prepared ourselves.”
I could go on and on about this. But I’d be bound to annoy someone, probably someone I like. So. But thanks for your post Michelle.
True, and well said.
Plus, you gave me a great grin with your line about annoying someone you like.
P.S. – Great picture, Jane! -
a pet peeve of mine that I think speaks to this is when people say, “God showed up.”
WHAT?! Dude, He was always there. You just noticed. -
I agree…and disagree. He is always present, but there are times when He comes in a more intense (for us, anyway) way. Think “Shekinah glory”, “Pentecost”, “Jonathan Edwards reading his sermon ‘Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God’”.
We get into trouble when we try to make those visitations happen, chasing the gift of presence instead of the Giver.
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