Notes from Transition Road…

The last week and a half has included:

– Moving my youngest son Jacob into his first apartment in a brand-new town for him, where he’ll begin classes this week. He doesn’t know a single person there. I’m praying…

– An early-labor scare from my daughter; she’s due October 10.

– A very steep learning curve last week in my new job, as well as the challenge of rustling up the equipment I’ll need to do the job. Oh, and I’ll have a learning curve with the electronics (when they appear, which seems as though it might finally be happening soon) as well. Three new student services this weekend, in the can. Not without behind-the-scenes drama, but they went off publicly without the drama showing.

– A three-day retreat with 120 student leaders and staffers which included (worst part) a whipped cream pie in my face. Sort of a youth group hangover moment on someone’s part. I learned that trying to re-blow-dry rinsed hair that still has whipped cream in it will give you a hair helmet that’ll take many shampoos to eradicate. Best part of the retreat was getting to meet so many really interesting, creative, passionate people – and I’m looking forward to seeing what God does with those seedling relationships this year.

– A disoriented cat. Phyllis’ life-long partner in crime, Mike, died about 3 weeks ago. I still miss him, and 14 y/o Phyllis is just now figuring out that he is gone. Also absent from her odd cat world is her bud Jacob.

– An empty refrigerator. Haven’t been home long enough to go grocery shopping.

– A very patient husband. That one never changes.

– An itch that won’t go away. No, it’s not the big, honking spider bite on my hand (a souvenir of the retreat). It’s the itch to write. I’ll be patient. The time will be here once again, soon enough.

– The final descent toward the one-year mark of my mom’s passing. One year ago, my sister and I learned my mom had been hiding her breast cancer for 2 years, and was terminal. The final month of her life (from 8/22/07-9/22/07) was the most dramatic experience I’ve ever had – and I’ve had a few.

– Olympic watching. Synchonized diving? And one heckuva elaborate closing ceremony. It looks like every person in China was in that stadium, singing, dancing and flying through the air on wires.

– Peace that passes reason, in the midst of all of it. The nearness of God.

Are you going through some life changes right now too?


4 responses to “Notes from Transition Road…”

  1. Life changes? I’m having a few… we get on a plane today to go see our new granddaughter Brooklyn in CA … return Saturday and my Mom is scheduled for a mastectomy Tuesday the 2nd. Never felt the bridge role I have more … be praying!

    Because of Christ,

  2. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    I’m so sorry to hear this news about your mom. Please keep me posted.

    But while you’re in Cali, enjoy every moment of your time with that little sweet baby! (Oh, yeah, and your daughter and son-in-law, too.)

  3. Pastor D Avatar
    Pastor D

    The old song sings…”change and decay are all around I see on to the close, O Lord, abide with me.”

  4. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    It’s so true, Pastor D. The song is right, and the longer we live, the truer it seems, doesn’t it?

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