My brain is fellowshipping with…

…these recent reads:

Writing Tides: Finding Grace and Growth Through Writing by Kent Ira Groff
(Because I need an occasional writing book to push me in new directions as a scribe)

11 Indispensible Relationships You Can’t Be Without by Len Sweet
(Because Len Sweet is a master of synthesis, a good thinker, and sees the world in fresh ways. The title makes it sound like a John Maxwell book, but thankfully, its not)

Quaker Summer by Lisa Samson
(Because I’ll try fiction from time to time, especially if it wins awards. This book made me want to put sticky dots on a few of my posessions.)

Spiritual Formation As If The Church Mattered by James Wilhoite
(Because it does.)

Beyond Smells and Bells: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy by Mark Galli
(Because this book promises to walk a Liturgy Newbie through each step of a Sunday morning liturgy in like 121 pages or so.)

Glimpses of Heaven: True Stories of Hope and Peace at the end of Life’s Journey by Trudy Harris
(Becaues I wished for a book like this when my mom was dying last fall. And because I think Christian hospice nurses like Harris have a lot to teach us all about living.)

The Shack by William Young
(Because I was nosy about the controversy surrounding this book.)

Pagan Christianity: Exploring The Roots of Our Church Practices by Frank Viola and George Barna

It’s a good thing I work part-time at a bookstore.


3 responses to “My brain is fellowshipping with…”

  1. Pastor D Avatar
    Pastor D

    Tammy has read beyond bells and smells. Mighty I suggest Worshiping with Angels and Archangels – An Introduction to the Divine Service by Scott Kinnamen (c) 2006 CPH about 50 pages. A concise work on liturgy.

  2. Madison Richards Avatar
    Madison Richards

    I don’t know much about the controversy, but I am in the middle of The Shack and can’t believe the impact it’s having. I realize it’s a novel and is not based on a true story, but in so much of what he writes about the nature of God I am challenged to the limits of my own comprehension. The line between fiction and truth is so fine at times it’s barely perceptible.

    If nothing else it has caused me to grapple with my own questions and has stirred up some really fruitful inner dialogue between Papa and me!

  3. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    Dan – I’ll have to hunt down your recommendation. Bill and I are loving worshipping through liturgy each week.

    Madison – Just a skim through Amazon’s reviews of the book will give you a good sense of where people are at with “The Shack”. (They either weep through it or want to burn it at the stake.) I wished the book was better written/edited – loved the relationship and conversations between the various members of the Trinity and Mack in there – and though I understood what the author was trying to do in his portrayals of the Trinity, I couldn’t scootch out there on the theological limb quite as far as he did.

    As an author, I would love to get get the kind of viral word-of-mouth this book has going. 🙂

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