My recent motto: It is possible to do something humiliating EVERY SINGLE DAY
So far today, I’ve managed to keep the red blush from crawling up my neck. It’s only 3:17 p.m. The day is young.
Yesterday, it only took me an hour to experience the day’s humiliation. The first human being I spoke to was the tinny voice coming out of the Dunkin’ Donuts speaker, asking to take my order.
“A medium coffee, two sugars, and a chocolate covered bagel,” I replied.
“A chocolate covered bagel?” Tinny Voice asked.
“Yes. Chocolate covered bagel.”
“Did you say chocolate covered BAGEL?” she queried again.
That was it. She couldn’t hear me. I looked toward the pick-up window and nodded slightly, to show her I understood, then yelled, “BAGEL!”
She tried again. “Bagel?”
There was a long pause. Obviously, we weren’t communicating very well at all. She was staring at me, trying to turn on the darkened lightbulb over my head with her eyes.
At last…ignition: “Oh,” I said sheepishly. “I meant doughnut.”
* * * * * * * *
I heard Steve Carrell walked off The Office set in support of the striking writers. Give yourself a gift today. Take 3 minutes and re-watch Dwight Schrute giving his Dunder-Mifflin Paper Salesman Of The Year speech, Mussolini-style:
Then, go order yourself a nice chocolate covered bagel. Loudly.
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