Some reader thoughts today…
I am so happy that I get to read again! I’ve been completely focused on research and writing for the last 9 months or so. I’ve been reading A LOT, but its been a lot of “hafta” reading. (I’m not complaining, because the “hafta” has a huge measure of “wanna” in there.)
But now I get to read whatever I want to read. This is a great thing since I work part-time in a bookstore, and can borrow books by the armload as long as I handle them carefully and bring them back quickly and in pristine condition. I recently read Pete Grieg and Andy Freeman’s Punk Monk – a book about the 24-7 prayer movement in Europe, and living a creative, monastic, dedicated life. Fantastic – and challenging. Convicting. Wooing.
Because I’ve been really, really sick the last two weeks, I also got a chance to read 3 pulp fiction books I was handed for free when I went to that CBA dealie in Indianapolis a few months ago. I am not a fiction person, but when you’re sick, pulp fiction seems right. I read one of the other books I was given a few weeks ago while at McDonalds with grandson Gabriel, and hated it so much I actually threw it away. One running gag in the book featured Donny Osmond, OK? (I have never, ever, ever thrown a book away before.)
It took a little self-talk to ramp up for more fiction after that horrible reading experience, but I was too sick for Big Thoughts. The good news is that I didn’t throw any other books away. But with one of them, I actually contemplated it briefly.
Today I checked out Phil Yancey’s Prayer, Mark Buchanan’s Hidden In Plain Sight…and a Karen Kingsbury book. The first two are favorite authors of mine. And I’m curious about Karen Kingsbury. She cranks out books really fast, and people seem to like them, so I’ll try to suspend my “no fiction” rule a little longer.
Since I’m still on antibiotics, I guess I can.
P.S. about books: I’ll include this offer on this blog, since I’m posting it in other places as well, and included it in my newsletter. I bet you know someone going through some tough trials right now.(That “someone” might even be you.)I’d love to encourage a few of those people with the gift of a signed set of my books:Parablelife: Living the stories Jesus told in real time and Uprooted: Growing a Parable Life from the inside out. The first three of you who get back to me at with the name and address of a person in need of a little encouragement will be able to gift your friend (or yourself) with signed copies of the books.


2 responses to “”

  1. Michelle,
    Get well soon. Is there an update on your May 17 post?

    What a generous offer on your books. Such a good idea that I may do something similar.

    We have so many students in our midst that are going through trials (not that we don’t ourselves), so I will have to pick up your books, give them a read myself and then put them in our library.

  2. Michelle Van Loon Avatar
    Michelle Van Loon

    Hey Greg –

    Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I’m improving. I am discovering my rebound time from illness is much slower now that I’m an ancient 47 than it was when I was 27.

    Update on 5/17 post:
    – Publication of “The Church For Skeptics” appears to be moving forward, but there are LOTS of business hurdles. More to come on this soon.
    – Bill goes to court in a few weeks. No further news from the other party involved in the accident.
    – This beloved renegade child is why I’ve not yet tackled the Luke 15 parables in my writing. We are living those stories – and they are sometimes excruciating.

    The introduction to Henri Nouwen’s phenomenal meditation on the parable of the prodigal son gave us our marching orders for this season of our life with our own prodigal: Though most of us understand what it is to be a prodigal, and some of us understand what it is to be the older son, God has called us to be the father.

    We’re learning just what that means…

    Thanks so much for your encouragement.

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