Rest in piece

Dan at Cerulean Sanctum posted once again about the bizzy-bizzy nature of the Christian subculture. It’s a theme he’s tackled again and again, and I hope he keeps at it. It reminded me of another post I’d read a couple of months ago at the Christianity Today Gifted For Leadership blog about how easy it is for well-meaning, gifted people to slowly get sucked out of the rhythms of our own lives with God because we’re trying to serve Him.

It occurs to me that many of us use our time the same way we use credit cards – spending beyond what’s in our budgeting, buying what we don’t need and can’t satisfy, and hoping we’ll be able to pay off the debt…er…uh…you know…sometime.

If ever I’ve heard a “stewardship” sermon that touches on the topic of time (very, very rarely), it usually has something to do with giving time to the church. Being busy. In over 30 years of church life, I have never heard a sermon about the sabbath. Have you?

I am grateful for the space to really listen to the Word of God. To pray. To listen to the sound of my grandson’s voice. In a little flourish of irony, Gabriel is sitting next to my husband right now, singing the jingle to a credit card commercial.


I visited WI yesterday for the first time since last summer. Had a great visit with my compadre and pray-on-the-phone-together-every-Wednesday-morning sister Meg. Got to visit with a wonderful semi-retired pastor and his razor sharp wife. And saw my friend Mary, who stood by us when so many others abandoned us during a particularly brutal church implosion.

The day was filled with spring sunlight, deep God-conversation and prayer. Even though it was Wednesday, it was a sabbath. Rest. Creation. Re-creation in conversation.

I could almost hear Him gently breathing.


One response to “Rest in piece”

  1. Michelle,

    Thanks for the link to my post at Cerulean Sanctum on busyness. I’d leave more in this comment except I’m too busy!


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