When I was the communications director for Christ Together/Chicago, the thing I loved most about the job was collecting and sharing information about events (prayer gatherings, conferences, speakers, service opportunities) that people in the area might not otherwise discover. Last week, I passed on information in this space about the Kesher Forum. I realize I have readers all over the US and beyond, so the local focus isn’t necessarily pertinent to all of you. However, even if you live in Boise, you may have a friend living in Chicagoland who’d benefit from one of these events.
Today, I’m pleased to share info about a unique women’s “unconference” happening November 4th and 5th. I’m so looking forward to being a part of this event, and I hope you’ll consider participating, too! It’s called Deeply Rooted: A Gathering (click here to link to the Facebook info page). One of the Deeply Rooted facilitators, Tammy Perlmutter, shared a bit with me about the genesis and vision for this gathering: [Read more]