At Ann Voskamp’s A Holy Experience blog today:
Nursing our little girl through recovery from open heart surgery, it’s kinda clear: Time is a gift that we sometimes forget we’ve been given. Time is an opportunity to experience eternity in the everyday. Michelle Van Loon is our guide through the major events of the Jewish and Christian calendars. She grew up in a Jewish home and came to know Christ in her teens. The colorful but disconnected puzzle pieces of the faith she’d experienced as a child began to be placed into a Jesus-shaped framework. They fit perfectly. Michelle invites us to discover our spiritual roots and the rhythms of our days. It’s a grace to welcome Michelle to the farm’s front porch today..
guest post by Michelle Van Loon
For 85 percent of each week, modern Jerusalem is a noisy place.
One and a half million camera-wielding pilgrims jostle for space with the city’s eight hundred thousand permanent residents each year.
Mix fervent prayer, the chatter of mothers walking their children to the market in strollers, the dialed-to-eleven volume of debate in cafes and at bus stops, car and taxi horns honking, sirens blaring, and feral cats fighting, and you have a mad symphony of sound. [Click here to read the rest of the post and see the gorgeous pictures Ann chose to accompany this post]
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