In 99 days, this painful, divisive election will be history. Who will we as followers of Jesus be after November 8th?
As of this writing, I have a number of believing friends and acquaintances who are supporting Donald Trump. I have a number of believing friends and acquaintances who are supporting Hillary Clinton. And some who are planning to vote Libertarian, Green, or Constitution. Others are planning to write in a name, or abstain from voting entirely. After November 8th, at least half the people in our culture will be very unhappy with the results of the election. Finger-pointing and Monday morning quarterbacking will fill airwaves, op-eds, blogs, and fuel countless water cooler conversations.
Again I ask: who will we be as followers of Jesus after November 8th? Will we join in the fear, anger, and finger-pointing that inevitably will be going on around us? [Read more]