A Single Woman’s Prayer

Yesterday, I heard one of the bravest confessions I’ve ever heard in public. The church we attend has a space in the service for people to share their own written prayers of lament or celebration. Most are heartfelt, and a couple have been quite remarkable. Last summer, an expression of pain from a mom whose baby died shortly after birth stuck echoed inside of me for days, and helped me understand how to pray for this young couple.

During Sunday morning’s service, a woman just a few years younger than I who has never been married stood before the congregation to share her words about her experience of singleness. She is a bright professional woman with a deep and abiding faith – faith enough to stand in front of a couple hundred people and speak her pain while voicing her hope in God. I was so moved by her extraordinary courage and honesty that I asked if I might share her words with you today. [Read more]


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