We’re going out for tapas tonight with our son and his fiance to celebrate their engagement, which became official earlier this week. (We’re so happy for them!) Ordering rounds of “small plates” of sun-soaked Mediterranean flavors is a fun way to eat a meal, and a perfect recipe for community.
I have a lot of small plates in my life right now: family, two part-time jobs, the opportunity to edit a book-length manuscript, and lots of opportunities to serve. Some of them don’t even feel much like work, because they are flowing out of what God is already doing in my life.
I pray I’m offering the empty plates back to God as I go.
In honor of a tonight’s tapas celebration, here’s a list of some yummy little plates of media consumables on my life’s table right now:
My current “to read” pile:
The Sacredness of Questioning Everything – David Dark (just started it)
The Magic Barrel – Bernard Malamud
Notes From the Underground – Doestoyevsky
The Monkey and The Fish – Dave Gibbons
Writing Down The Bones – Natalie Goldberg (halfway through it)
My top three favorite podcasts:
This American Life
Internet Monk
Aliyah Revolution
Four worship songs resonating with me right now:
You Won’t Relent – Misty Edwards
Hero – Jars of Clay
Daughters of Jerusalem – David Brymer
Never Let Go – David Crowder Band
Most interesting documentary I’ve seen this summer:
Hiding and Seeking
Favorite pickles:
Osem canned
(Just threw that one in for fun.)
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