Michelle Van Loon
[bl]M[/bl]y writing life started when my mom taught me to read before I started kindergarten. My early elementary years were spent sneak-reading classroom reference books I hid inside Dick and Jane readers. I began dreaming of becoming a writer when I grew up, but those dreams got swallowed alive by a lot of other things. My journey through childhood and adolescence wasn’t too pretty (whose is?), but Jesus Christ was waiting for me in the middle of the mess. (Read an excerpt from my book, Parable Life.) Shortly after I married Bill in 1979, a friend from church approached me with an out-of-the-blue idea. “I work for the National Public Radio station in Chicago, and we’re producing a children’s show in our studios. We always need short scripts. It seems like this might be something you might enjoy doing.” I don’t remember exactly why she lobbed this idea my way, but I do remember that I felt like I’d been waiting most of my life for her request. Maybe I had. I immersed myself in playwriting books, and the station produced a few of the scripts I wrote for them. I think I devoured every “how to write” book and…
My Books & More
Writing and editorial I can bring my experience to your project. I’ve edited manuscripts for ministries and individuals. In addition, I have ghost writing and public relations experience. Contact me to learn more about some of the projects with which I’ve been involved. Coaching for home schooled students grades 5-12 www.homepagewriting.com
Apr 12, 2007
Michelle Van Loon
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I wonder as I wander…